Kinderland Preschooler Learns Fire Safety
A child’s first experience with fire would be with the candles on their birthday cakes, often associated with fun. Young children lack the understanding [...]
Being Kind, Feeling Great!
It is natural — and common — for children to picker with their peers at school. Children bully because they have trouble managing strong [...]
Kinderland Malaysia Celebrates Chinese New Year
Kinderland promotes culturally inclusive classrooms and experiences including but not limited to social and religious diversity. This allow our children to explore and respect [...]
Bringing Learning into homes with Kinderland Home-Based Learning Box
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Kinderland supports and ensures our children’s learning continues. The Kinderland Home-Based Learning (HBL) Box was developed to equip our children with [...]
Kinderland Malaysia’s Preschools Reopen
After 82 days of silent hallways and empty classrooms throughout the period under the Conditional Movement Control Order (MCO), it was a delight to [...]
Kinderland Denai Alam & Kinderland Setia Alam is in Shah Alam operated by Crestar Education Malaysia
Located at the township in Shah Alam, both Kinderland Denai Alam and Kinderland Setia Alam have been serving the community by providing quality childcare [...]