Learning Beyond the Classroom
For a holistic and comprehensive learning experience, a child’s early education should take place both within and beyond the classroom. Learning beyond the classroom allows for opportunities to make learning more relevant and engaging, nurture creativity and imagination and also learn through play and experimentation. Children then develop an interest in their broader surroundings, discover new opportunities to learn as well as enjoy almost limitless teaching aids and resources.
Thematic Mini Projects
At Kinderland, we nurture our children’s analytical skills with our Theme-based Integrated Curriculum which prompts children to learn through exploration and discovery. Our thematic mini-projects such as making simple machines and building structures with recycled materials, give our children the opportunity to interact with each other, make decisions, explore ideas and find the joy in learning. Through our designed classroom environment, our children are encouraged to develop their curious, creative and capable minds to their fullest potential.
Home Learning Link (HLL) Project
We also create opportunities for parents to collaborate and be involved in their child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to spend quality time with their children on home projects that complement the lessons that are being taught at school. Through our HLL project, parents are able to understand and assess their child’s learning at school as well as partner with Kinderland to bring out the best in their children.
Children’s Music Programme (CMC)
At Kinderland, we also recognize the importance of music in the development of a child’s language and literacy skills. Studies have shown that including music in the school curriculum helps children to improve their concentration and memory, listen more attentively and better understand or express their feelings. Our Children Music Programme provides our children with the opportunity to experiment with simple music instruments while the younger children enjoy early exposure to and foundation in music. This enables them to improve their sense of rhythm, enables them to read music scores quicker and appreciate the value of teamwork.
Kinderfit Programme
The Kinderfit Programme is a structured, wellness programme that is organized to understand its relationship with space, time, energy and movement. Not only do we encourage our children to keep healthy but also develop healthy self-esteem. The programme consists of activities to enhance their motor skills, and improve their cardiovascular health as well as lessons on health and nutrition, including customized meal plans. As such, the children benefit from an early mastery of fundamental motor skills, development of self-confidence and are able to practice responsible habits and lifestyle choices.
Kinderland’s educational programmes have been developed and refined over many years by the Kinderland curriculum team spanning across Singapore, Malaysia and China as well as a panel of international advisors and is aimed to provide a wholesome and enjoyable learning experience. For more information please visit www.kinderlandmsia.com.my or call 03-56322663. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Kinderland family.

Beyond the classroom learning and discovery through Home Learning Link Project (HLL) and Thematic Mini Project (TMP)

Thematic Mini Project (TMP) artworks were created by some of the young learners.