To coincide with Theme 1 “Community Helper”, a field trip was planned for the 4, 5 & 6 year old to the Central Fire and Rescue Station and The Royal Malaysian Police Museum on 16th March 2017.
Field trips give students educational experiences and provide alternative educational opportunities away from their regular school environment. They also aim to expose the children to professionals who help with the health and overall well-being of the community and to appreciate these professionals by understanding their respective roles.

At the Central Fire and Rescue Station, children had the first-hand experience being in a fire truck. They could not content their excitement when they were briefed on the lights, tools and special equipment.
The visit to the Central Fire and Rescue Station was truly an amazing and rewarding experience for the children. They learnt values like integrity, responsibility and solidarity and skills through collaboration, critical thinking and self-knowledge. After their visit to the Central Fire and Rescue Station, the children went to the Royal Malaysian Police Museum. The older children were really fascinated by the artifacts on display and exhibits that comprised of police uniforms, forensic tools, armor, guns, etc.

Children learnt about the history of policing in Malaysia through exhibits ranging from police uniforms and weapons.
It was truly an educational trip for these children as they learnt about the different roles that people play in society. A visit to the Royal Malaysian Police Museum increased their knowledge and understanding of the police. Being in direct contact with them, they are now able to show empathy and a higher sense of awareness. It is proven that children of all ages regularly exposed to museums are provided with a strong foundation for intellectual growth and development, making museums the perfect place for children to explore, inquire, and see new things (Linda Mare, Director of Education, New Britain Museum of American Art).