Teachers and Staff of Kinderland Preschool Malaysia have achieved 100% complete vaccination. Understanding the importance of getting vaccinated and being responsible citizens, Kinderland Preschool Malaysia has taken proactive actions in protecting ourselves, our students, teachers, parents and the community to ensure that all our employees are vaccinated.
The National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (NIP), which took off on February 24, 2021, has on October 21, achieved herd immunity with 90% of the population fully vaccinated to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

‘Lindungi diri, lindungi semua’ is the tagline for the National Immunization Programme. Every vaccination centre is equipped with a photo booth with the tagline to promote the National Immunizations Programme.
The high vaccination rate has allowed most of the economic sector to reopen. Preschools were allowed to open in October. At Kinderland, 100% of our teachers and staff have fully completed their vaccination, giving parents confidence in sending their children back to the centre for physical lessons. Nevertheless, we continued to ensure and stress the importance of policy and procedure compliance and constantly reminded our students’ parents to do the same in battling this pandemic.

Spread the good news! Our centres have used the social media to inform parents & followers on the staff vaccination status. This has helped boost parent’s confidence in sending their children back to school for physical class.