Kinderland Malaysia Celebrates Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Eid’ul-fitri)
Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Eid Celebration) is a religious festival celebrated in the month of Syawal in the Islamic calendar after a month of fasting [...]
Visit from Ministry of Social Welfare at Kinderland Malaysia
The renewal license handover and group photo with Dr. Zaitol (dressed in pink) and delegates during the visit. Crestar Education (M) [...]
World Wildlife Day Celebration
March 3 marks World Wildlife Day, a time to celebrate and raise awareness about plants and animals around the world. This day also highlights issues [...]
Kinderland Preschooler Learns Fire Safety
A child’s first experience with fire would be with the candles on their birthday cakes, often associated with fun. Young children lack the understanding [...]
Being Kind, Feeling Great!
It is natural — and common — for children to picker with their peers at school. Children bully because they have trouble managing strong [...]
Kinderland Malaysia Celebrates Chinese New Year
Kinderland promotes culturally inclusive classrooms and experiences including but not limited to social and religious diversity. This allow our children to explore and respect [...]